
We like this article – it’s a common sense approach to CRM implementation…. In order for companies to obtain and retain customers, they need a concrete way to organise their client database. Unfortunately, in this day and age, […]


Your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system may be the flashiest around: the most expensive, most comprehensive or most impressive on the shelf. Yet it can only ever be as good as the data it contains. Many CRM implementations […]


Whether the installation of your new CRM system goes easily or not, depends less on the software and more on how you implement it. Getting a smooth implementation takes planning and some work. Here are some of the […]


Customer relationship management (CRM) solutions help small and midsize businesses manage the myriad of ways it interacts with customers, from marketing to new and potential customers, to improving customer support. As a matter of fact, companies of all […]


Whether you’re just starting out a business venture on your own, or have been in business for years, customer relationship management (CRM) plays a vital role in organizations of all shapes and sizes. CRM technology is rapidly growing, […]


Customer relationship management systems have come a long way from being nothing more than high-tech Rolodexes. Once known for storing reams upon reams of contact information such as customer names and addresses, today’s CRM technologies deliver high-tech analytics […]


Installing a CRM system in your enterprise is notoriously not easy. But once you’ve got the system up and running, the real work begins: Convincing your people to use the thing. Failure to adopt is one of the […]


CRM gets a bad rap for turning sales people into data entry clerks. The software’s requirements for maintaining contact files and entering events in the customer relationship, the complaint goes, takes time the sales force should be spending […]


Measuring Success: How Effective Is Your CRM Strategy? Adopting customer relationship management (CRM) entails a great deal of risk. Even if you complete all the necessary steps to deploy your system to the appropriate departments or divisions, your […]


‘Knowledge Management Can Make Your CRM Project a Success’ and to support knowledge management you need high quality data..
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