About our project management services…
We offer a fractional, interim or part-time project & change management resource with over 25 years project management experience for clients who require a short term projects to be managed but do not have the relevant skills and resources in-house.
Our service is offered on a daily/hourly basis, as and when required whereas contract project managers are generally only available via agencies on a 3 or 6 monthly basis.
Our resource is always available for escalation of issues to keep the project on track and will act as liaison point between internal resources, external resources and suppliers. We’ll create and manage the project plans, risks and issues registers and provide essential regular ‘Summary On A Page’ progress reports.
This approach would some initial time to get the project started, establish the project environment and relevant documentation. Then an agreed duration each week to manage the project as it progresses and then some time at the end of the project to close everything off.
Project & Change Management
We provide experienced fractional or interim project & change management resources for clients that need projects managed but do not have sufficient internal resources with the relevant skillset.
Our services are independent and off payroll
Business Process Documentation
Having business processes fully documented can be highly beneficial for businesses and organisations to ensure their teams operate in a consistent manner.
We are highly experienced in producing process flow documents to support cross system processes.
Project Recovery
Projects do not always succeed, they can fail or stall for a number of reasons.
We can assist, we can do a deep dive into the project, identify any issues, work with you to implement remedial actions and help get your project back on track.
Additional services…

We are also a certified Act! CRM Software Reseller and Training Provider
Act! Software Supply
As Certified Act! Consultants we supply Act! software licences, regardless of whether you have on-premise or hosted in the cloud.
We also supply a range Act! Addon software to improve functionality.
Act! Consultancy & Support
To get the best from your investment in Act! it should be tailored to suit your business needs., we have the experience and expertise.
As a certified ACC company we can also provide training on Act! and AMA
Power BI Reporting
Microsoft Power BI offers the ability to drill deep into your data and produce fantastic visualisations to help you understand trends and impacts.
By integrating Act! & Power BI you get get detailed insights into your sales data.
Our team

Adrian Day
ACC & Prince2 Project Manager

Jenny Upson
Act! Certified Consultant
Project Support Ltd. Co. Reg. No. 0324 8220 Reg. Address: Felixstowe Road, IPSWICH, IP10 0DE